Monday, January 13, 2014

December 14th 2013:

Dear Quail,

Today was my dreaded Math Test. I got up after begging for a few more minutes only to realize that I forgot ID, but thankfully as I began to turn back to the hotel, which would've made me late Tania let me in. She said the guy demanding to see our IDs was being unethical and has been fired. Yeah it was a hassle but I do think that's a bit of an overreaction.

The test actually seemed much too easy, which is scary since I think that means I may have royally screwed it up, but I really hope not!

Afterwards, Mama promised to reward me by having us go on an outing to Boystown After Math, but instead we wound up going to the Eleven Cafe, which wasn't bad. We had breakfast and Mama got fuming mad with Jennings and brought herself to a tizzy. That anger reverberated into how she acted when we were packing some things up. I asked what I should bring with me and she didn't say closet keys, yet we then went to the dorm to pack things up, and she got furious that I couldn't open my closet.

Also the UC was being dumb since they said they had never before been inside and tried to forbid them to come in. Thankfully Mama got them past the dumb guards. After all the fussing, though, Mama made good on her word. After more fussing with getting transit passes we took  the train late at night to go there.

I really like riding the train at night, and Boystown atmospherically was like Minneapolis. It was beautiful! The architecture- the ambiance- the queerness- it was all fantastic! We stopped in at a restaurant only to find out they were finished with serving food. We did end up using the bathrooms, though.

Guys kept flirting with Darius and it was so funny since he's so oblivious! They chirped about his cuteness and smirked and him and touched his coat when they complimented it. It was so hilarious! We then wound up going to the Belmont Smoke Shop, which of course I didn't care for, but, of course Darius and Mama did. Then a guy twerked on Darius and it was funny!

There were also these cool monuments to notable gay figures such as Walt Whitman, Christine Jorganson (as mentioned in Ed Wood) and Alfred Kinsey. Mama swooned over Kinsey since she loves his theories, as she should! The monuments were so cool! I love Boystown- it's the best place in Chicago!

We wound up ending the night by going to Clarks Diner and getting Chicken Noodle Soup. We rode back since Darius was all tired and grumpy. But Boystown is such a great place!