Wednesday, April 30, 2014

'Twelve Days Left of Freshmen Year' by Ravyn LaRue

I only have twelve days left
of my freshmen year of college
and it doesn’t seem
like the end of school years during high school
or before

I feel simultaneously excited for summer
and melancholy, as if I should mourn the school year
not because it was beloved
or deserves a funeral with flowers like graduation last year

I feel like I should cry paper tears
over the fact that it left me feeling so empty
not even saint marks could do that to me
but they say
“Party because you won”
and I suppose I ought to try

I only have twelve days left
of my freshmen year of college
and while all my friends are posting
“see you next September”
“Wow, what a year!”
I’m here shrugging
as snow shakes the lampposts
and Spanish music sings

I should be disturbed
that I have the capacity for such apathy
but real adults praise me for it
saying it’s a sign of maturity
and I want to fly to Neverland
because that is pretty terrifying

'4/28/14' by Ravyn LaRue

Dear Self,
things are good
Today it’s raining
and that’s beautiful
You’re listening to concerts
with people whose music
narrates your soul
and that means the world
And that longing in your chest
that’s the light
that’s the beauty
that’s what being alive feels like
Remember you wouldn’t feel that
had you decided
giving up was an okay thing to do
You’re having a second hot chocolate
and you’re burning your blisters on your hands
against the white paper kiddie maze that lines the cup
and that’s wonderful
You read writings from friends
that make you feel less alone
because in times unlike today
you can know for sure
you are not the only one
howling into the void
And it isn’t empty, remember
there is so much beauty in this world
like the illuminated bricks outside
and the man making tea at the counter
and the peace signs and pink triangles on the other patrons’ laptops
And there are people in life who love you
look to your desktop
do you see those beautiful souls?
Six people saw you off
before you embarked
on what became a great struggle
but they believed in you
and you survived
and they love you-
they must do
Remember this,
Dear Self,
there will be days
frequent and inescapable
when the good things seem like merely memories
but you have to believe there is reason for hope
which is why I’m counting present positivities
whenever I remember to

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

'Free Raspberry Lemonade' by Ravyn LaRue

A girl in my theatre class
who I’d only met once before
bought me raspberry lemonade
it was her last college class ever
and is a genuinely kind person
but wow
it always baffles me
when strangers buy me drinks
I feel like informing them
that I’m really not that charming
but I know it’s due to pure kindness
and in a world like this
things like that mean the world
I owe my karma a multitude of drinks for others
because I just got free raspberry lemonade

'Barking “Art! Art! Art"' by Ravyn LaRue

I want to have some vast huge expectations of myself again
something concrete I want to achieve in this world
because right now I have:

Spend lots of time with beloveds
(which I haven’t actually been doing much of…)

Make good art
(which is debatable, for me in particular, whether anything I do is good anymore)

Make a positive impact on the world
(which will hopefully occur on account of my two former things, but since I’m not doing well with those, I feel like this one is entirely impossible right now)

Others have such high and specific hopes
and I’m just floating crying
“Art! Art! Art!”
but that achieves nothing

But right now
although I’m not content with it
I’m only holding myself to bare minimum expectations
thinking if I’m happy
all will be well
but I think I have to get past that
since who knows if I’ll ever be consistently happy ever again
I have to go on
and achieve great things
regardless of whether I feel my life is in ruins or not

'Apparently 100 People Read My Poems Sometimes' by Ravyn LaRue

Thank you all so much
I adore you all dearly
You all mean so much

Monday, April 28, 2014

'Party Because You Won' by Ravyn LaRue

Rain falls hard

I feel like a drownededed rat
since I just ran through the downpour
to get to a class
I didn’t realize
didn’t start for two hours

I was running
hot chocolate spilling out
of the cheap paper mug
disintegrating in my hand
as I said hi to strangers
and tried to keep positive
as God’s tears permeated my raincoat

I thought of a party
I was going to have a party, I decided
since I dreamt it last night

A party built around a tumblr post that said:
Nah, fuck that. Party like they WERE. Party with the hope in your heart that the next twelve months will make up for it. Party because it’s behind you and you fucking survived. Party because you’re alive and still awesome despite the last twelve months trying to destroy you.
Party because you won.

In my dream
we belted karaoke
I sang Hedwig and Apres Moi
due to emotional reasons
(emotional reasons govern my life)

And the point of the party
was to wash away
all the hurt we felt
from college
and adulthood
and the psychological distress that’s tacked onto both

And my heart
was pulled by Art’s apparitional hands
pulling my heart from my chest
and bringing me towards the light
of all the pureness that exists in our universe

And my co-host friend was fussing
since I let our friends have beer
but screaming from my heart
into the vastness of drunken, hurling, brawling beloveds
just like Hedwig herself

And I walked in the rain
imagining this happy place
this party
in which singing was salvation
and Art was a beautiful ghost who possessed the willing

And as cars went splashing
I imagined all the cool punk rock covers
of classic MT songs I could do
and how this party is a thing
that should definitely happen in real life

I wrote on the board
of the coffee shop downtown
where I got the hot chocolate
who’s mug got mangled from the rain

Their prompt was
“Why is today a good day?”
and I wrote
with pastel purple chalk
“Because the semester/school year is nearly finished"

And on a friend’s status
which said we only have three weeks left
I nearly commented
“Fuckity-hell, thank GOD!”
but I didn’t since she’s classy
and she’s the same friend
who’d be pissed at me
for letting our beloveds have beer

But anyways
even if it’s only me
on the night of May 15th
in the compact mess I call a living room
I will be up there
in my own euphoria
belting along with Amanda Palmer and John Cameron Mitchell
on tinny tiny youtube clips

And you're spinning
Your new 45's
All the misfits and the losers
Yeah, you know you're rock and rollers
Spinning to your rock and roll

Come on, darling, sing with me-
we made it!

Lift up your hands

Sunday, April 27, 2014

'Why Are You Trying To Find Yourself You Should Be Trying To Find A Job' by Ravyn LaRue

Anytime I'm on deadline
for something society deems important
my psyche says

"Nope- we're having an existential crisis
so now's the time to shut down

we should go to europe
we should get a job
we should write songs
or make movies
or re-try other such past failures

after all
some of your idols
are songwriters and movie makers
we should do like them
some of your idols
live in london
we should live in London too
some of your idols
live in california
we should live in California
some of your idols
live in chicago
we should live in Chica-
oh wait, we tried that
we failed
but I digress

while we're on deadline
and have less than an two hours
to write three papers
indeed now is the time
to go running into your mothers room sobbing
"I would've traded all the good of last semester
for some artistic fulfillment
but I still don't have it"

and she says
"oh don't worry
I still don't have artistic fulfillment"
and I don't know how to respond
since she doesn't even identify as an artist
she doesn't make art anymore
and she doesn't see that as a big deal
whereas if I were her age
unable to make art
I'd feel worse than dead

she says
"be a teacher instead"
and that seems so unfathomable right now
helping children pursue their passions
and shepherding them into their destinies
when I'm stumbling over my bloody own

and I sprawl out
and cry to whatever star guides me
"why can't I know where to go"
but I know
going anywhere wouldn't help
until the tempest in my heart
at least calms to it's usual preternatural ebb and flow

and gifs of Janis Joplin
on tumblr tell
"Come to California"
and Broadway belts lovingly
"Come to New York"
while my cousin
refuses jobs
that'd fly her all over the world
for free vacations
just to wine and dine some philanthropists

and I see beloveds
and rooting themselves to new families
all the while
it's two in the morning
and I'm writing my usual bad poetry

Saturday, April 26, 2014

'ABABCCBABAB' by Ravyn LaRue

This never used to be difficult for me
But it’s late and I don’t want to write
All things seem harder now than they ever used to be
And all I bring myself to do seems like an aimless fight
Ever since last semester I’ve felt like no more than dirt
While I struggle to make sense of why I somehow still hurt
I mean, try as I may but nothing seems right
As I attempt to sew up my veins and collect my debris
I feel myself breaking as I stay up all night
I thought coming home was the answer, yet still I can’t see
Whether I’m overreacting or if this was really a plight

'Are You Satisfied With An Average Life?' by Ravyn LaRue

Art triumphs over suffering
so then why am I only venting the latter
and not praising the former
perhaps because I’m cowardly
since there’s nothing transcendent about just complaining
there’s nothing divine about kvetching
nothing revolutionary about spelling out hurt
without adding something beautiful to the blood

'Writing Poems To Characters I Should Be Writing To Friends' by Ravyn LaRue

I'm starting to realize
I never just see myself
in characters I love
there's always at least a small fragment of some beloved
but I don't like to say it
since I often fall for characters
who are varying levels
of insane and pathetic
so I'll tell you this much
in those fictional darlings
who have my heart
due to you also
having my heart
more often than not
I see myself as their weaknesses
and you as their charms
so I hope you see this
as the odd fractured compliment it is

'An Actor Has No Gender' by Ravyn LaRue

Hero once said that
“An actor has no gender”
choke on that, Klinka

'Thursday 1:45' by Ravyn LaRue

I should be home now
two hours ago, in fact
but I love writing

Okay, fine, I’ll leave
I have to sleep anyways
and watch ‘Demo Reel’

'Nala and Ursula' by Ravyn LaRue

It's getting better now
but girls my age
shouldn't have had to settle
for Nala and Ursula
as their only
"black" and fat representation
in terms of female Disney principal roles
they aren't even human
but I hear poets
only a tidbit older than I
screaming how they clung to them
since they felt that was all they had

'Orange Flowers' by Ravyn LaRue

I should not be so
hung up on things that make me
very very sad

'Is This Progress Or Apathy' by Ravyn LaRue

I haven’t written about him in over a month
which is very strange
since it was so hard not to write about him
for quite some time then

'Pathetic and Unwell' by Ravyn LaRue

My neutral has been
feeling pathetic and unwell
ever since Christmas-ish
I’ve had my highs and lows
but pathetic and unwell is me

'The Devil and Donnie DuPre' by Ravyn LaRue

Is it bad
That I got a sudden jolt of happiness
By the fact that
One of my favorite characters
(Whom I also relate to)
When God wouldn't give him what he asked
Went straight down the faustian pact route
No apprehension
I mean
Ask God first
But have a contingency plan
After all
There's no shame in self preservation

'but i know he feels like a boy should feel' by Ravyn LaRue

I like when boys sing Amanda Palmer covers
and I can sing along with voices lower than mine
And I really like when they don't change the pronouns
and don't find it shameful to belt loudly
"No such details would spoil my plan-
That is the kind of girl I am"

'light of creation washed over and baptized me' by Ravyn LaRue

I should go to church
by “church” I mean theater
they’re the same, you know

'Hostile Work Environment' by Ravyn LaRue

In my women’s studies class today
we delved into the idea
of a hostile work environment
which I figure counts for schools too
and it made me feel far less alone
and that I wasn’t just dumb and paranoid
because when you hear
horrible things directed towards
those who are the things you are
no matter how many times people may say
she wasn’t referring to you
oh, but you’re different than all the other “those people”s
no matter what
and how much you try to make yourself feel safe
if they’d do that to them
and believe that about them
and speak that way about them
there is no membrane of decency stopping them
from acting that exact same way
towards you
and people file lawsuits against this sort of thing
so even though it may feel like an overreaction
my leaving
though cowardly
was a reasonable human response
but I suppose I’m only trying to justify things
to myself
and this wide vast universe
that I feel as though I’ve run away from

'Turbulence' by Ravyn LaRue

I like tumultuous
and so being in a rut
even a comfy one
is entirely unfun
for me

'There’s A Distinction Between Columbia and Chicago' by Ravyn LaRue

I’m starting to re-like Chicago
What with Demo Reel and Jen and Giordano’s
Kind, loving people have emerged from there
And I oughtn’t fault the city even though I found so few

'Grenade' by Ravyn LaRue

Forgiveness hurts yet
as I try, people yell
I promise you that
I'm trying for my own sake
yet forgiveness hurts

'Sleep Deprivation' by Ravyn LaRue

I pulled my first all-nighter in ages
and it made me feel worse than dead
but now that I’ve slept since
I realized I wasted a perfectly good opportunity
to push myself to the brink in art
I like doing that even though it’s unhealthy
I’ve heard that’s what Salvador Dali did
he’d keep himself awake
by holding onto keys so when they dropped he’d awaken
and then he’d paint the things he saw
and although my perspective is less dramatic
the thing I intend on doing
is getting past the point where I care if I seem crazy
and that’s ableist and awful
I know that
but I can’t help but feel that’s when I get my best junk out

'Seventeen' by Ravyn LaRue

I haven’t stopped feeling 17 yet
It used to be 15 that I was stuck on
No bloody wonder I can’t move forward

'Nebulous' by Ravyn LaRue

I love ethereality
but embracing it means
I no longer really know
what it is in life I want

Friday, April 25, 2014

Story Within A Story- Home

The foam-tiled gymnasium floor beneath them smelled of perspiration and Windex. Their Thanksgiving feast of dollar rolls of donuts, energy drinks and Pringles was spread across the floor. They sat cross-legged facing each other.

“You said you’d tell me what happened,” began Jeremy, “yet all you’ve done all night is ignore the subject entirely. Are you sure you’re alright, love.”

“Hah, I’m fine!” Donna answered, aiming to seem less fragile than she felt at the moment. “You want me to tell, I’ll tell. All you had to do was ask, dear.”

Terms of endearment always sounded disjointed when they sprung from her overly chapped lips, whereas when Jeremy let them slide, they flowed like melted butter.

Donna shifted position again, pulled her shirt back down, her pants back up, and began the story.

“So here I was, being uncharacteristically good by going to bed before midnight. I had just trudged all the way from McDonalds, feeling good about myself that I had forced myself to both do math homework (I hate math) and give my leftovers to an old homeless guy. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside, so I curled myself into a blanket that matched my feeling. That’s when I heard the cacophonous cry from outside my door. “That bitch! That fucking cunt!” it cried. Though disembodied, I could recognize that shrill shrewish soprano anywhere. It belonged to my roommate; any humanity she may have possessed had been washed away by the copious amount of alcohol she had consumed. “

“Worse than Emma?” Jeremy asked wide-eyed.

“Oh God yes!” Donna replied, her voice dropping to her worldly contralto tone; a tone that always kept the boy listening.

“She kept on with it, “I fucking hate Donna, that bitch blogged about me!”-“

“Well did you?” asked Jeremy, attempting to be fair. He knew how easy it was for Donna to win him over, and wanted attempt to not be as much of a pushover as he usually was.

“Of course!” Donna chuckled. “She yelled at me for singing!”

“No, you’re a lovely singer!” Jeremy whined.

“Thank you.” Donna replied flatly, opening her disintegrating canvas backpack and grasping her computer out. “Want to see the poem I wrote about her that pissed her off that much?” She asked superfluously, knowing she had him hooked. Anything that persuades a person to call the author a cunt is worth reading, even if only to chuckle at how awful it is.

“Of course!” Jeremy shrieked, grabbing the laptop right out of Donna’s hands. The page was already up. The watercolor background she painted herself lined the blog like wallpaper, and the words stood out in the bold typewriter font as always. Jeremy read aloud. He preferred reading aloud. His crooner voice reverberated off the mirrored gym walls as he read a poem Donna feared hearing read.

“ DONNA, STOP SINGING! By Donna McClendon

I was washing the red out of my hair when I got the notion to sing.

So I sang.

I decided to triumph in spite of the hideous atmosphere that surrounds me daily and stifles my singing.

So I sang in a muffled voice.

Subdued still, but steady.

My tone was softer than that of a church mouse when I began to hear some rumbling.

I briefly recoiled, imagining a wanna-be Norman Bates prowling about the dorm.

I decided to sing anyways since it made me less scared.

And, if I were to choose, I would like to go out singing.

And as I sang about being stifled

The bathroom door swung open

And a voice imbued with more vitriol than had ever before been directed at me screamed,


And that same meek soul from my former freshmen year answered without a second thought,


And as my roommate slammed the door, I whispered in defeat, “Goddamn.”

I tightened my lips, though I then could think of endless songs that felt the way I now felt.

And my internal monologue started screaming,

"I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it more than the hoarding house!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it more than Saint Marks!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

At least there I could sing without being screamed at!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!”

And then my inner monologue cried

"I want Ms.Hart."

After that I shattered

Millions of pieces of me lied along with the stray hair and stubble on the shower floor.

I wanted to scream catharsis to spite my roommate, but then I remembered I’m a nice person.

So I merely cried.

It’s a Thursday, and I had done so well this week going this long without crying.

But I needed to.

I also needed to sing and scream

But because of niceness, which shrouded meekness, I just went about with my tears.

Her hateful voice rang inside my head and got me angrier.

And the imp of the perverse made me think of all the clever things I could do with the razor.

For her and I both.

But I’m still strong.

And she’s a mean soul, and I’d rather not be killed at such a young age.

She’s quite content with killing herself, and I doubt I could appeal to her humanity.

If she ever had any to begin with.

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I want home, where I don’t get hurt when I sing.

I need it.

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!

I hate it here!”

Jeremy finished reading and looked back up at his friend who was avoiding eye contact at all costs. She instead was staring into her own squinted eyes in the far mirror.

“Aww, love-“ He began, meaning to comfort the girl.

“So anyways.” Donna blurted. “She kept on with that god-awful ranting of hers until it got to the point of death threats. She said, “I’m going to kill her! I’ll murder that bitch! I’ll shoot that cunt!” and kept on like that. I, of course, saw it as an overreaction. I wrote the truth and didn’t use her name; if that’s not ethical, I don’t know what is! Besides, many fine authors have received death threats. Hunter S. Thompson could’ve probably insolated his cabin with all he got from the Hell’s Angels! I know it’s morbid, but I couldn’t help but pride myself in having yet another thing in common with Hunter, but I digress… Anyways, she’s twenty-four for God’s sake! She should know better, but of course she’s a charming New Yorker, so… well, you know how they are…”

“What did you do?” Jeremy demanded like a kindergartener. He gravitated to every word Donna uttered in spite of her ineloquence. He had barely touched his junk-food dinner since Donna began her tale. She continued.

“She then began throwing all her god-awful belongings at me: crayons, lighters, her triceratops statue with horns that dug into my hip, all as I pretended to be asleep like an angel. Then it got stupider. She turned to her friend who was beside her all the way and said, “You know she’s a fucking pervert. She watches me undress- and she’s a lesbian; it’s fucking sexual assault!” I got annoyed and thought of how, one, I had never even seen her naked and two, the fact that I never even remotely wanted to. They left and I tried to get comfortable enough to actually fall asleep. I tried to memorize my lines for acting and recite my favorite movies and songs in my head, but I couldn’t distract myself. I was trembling like an idiot. When she returned she just restarted her idiocy. It was awful.”

“I’m so sorry, love…” Jeremy began, taking Donna’s hand. She couldn’t help but meet his gaze.

“Thanks, dear.” She said. “The next morning I went to math, and had a god-awful test, as if things weren’t bad enough. After that I snuck back into my dorm, gathered my most cherished belongings into a garbage bag and left. It was a fight or flight thing, and you know I’m not a fighter. I just walked. I had no plan. I just walked. I called my Dad back home, and though well meaning, he was no help. He just said, “Get a hotel or tough it out with the bitch. You can do it. That’s my girl.” And that was it. So I kept on walking aimlessly until I had no other option but surrender my dignity and ask to couch surf. I like the term couch surfing, though I slept on the floor. Couch surfing makes it seem like less of a mooching sort of thing. So I couch surfed.”

“Who did you stay with? I thought you said you didn’t have any friends.” Jeremy asked, tripped up by her continuity regarding the stories she’s told.

“Well I suppose that was a bit of a hyperbole. I had one friend, and she’s who I stayed with.”

“Well alright then.” Jeremy shrugged, still thinking Donna was selling herself short in amount of friends she had obtained in college. “Then what happened?”

“Well I stayed there a night only to have to get up ridiculously early since she had a morning class. I followed her to the door only to see my roommate lurking around smoking her signature Salem’s, so I ran once again. I circled the block in an entirely counterproductive circle of sorts only to get the run-around from security for two days straight until I was bestowed the generous gift of getting to live with someone who doesn’t want to murder me.” Given the opportunity, Donna could be just as sarcastic as Jeremy if not more so.

“Then what?” Jeremy demanded.

“I camped out at a café and spent my final few dollars on a bowl of soup to keep body and soul together. I then found out that my friend Marji was minutes away from taking a plane back to India.

Jeremy stopped her once again. “I thought you said your only friend was the girl who took you in and let you stay on her floor. Who’s Marji, then?” He was beginning to become skeptical of her sob story. After all, the poem wasn’t the nicest thing in the world. Could it be that she was just being neurotic about the alleged threat?

“Well, I told you I was being hyperbolic earlier, besides it makes a better story if I’m utterly alone in the world, don’t you think?” Donna behaved as if his questioning was an affront to the integrity of her recollection of what happened. Jeremy didn’t answer.

“Anyways, due to having to move my stuff, I didn’t get to say goodbye to Marji- it was super sad. I nearly cried over the phone.”

“I thought you said you were at the café while she was heading off for the plane…” Jeremy longed for clarification.

“I was.” Said Donna, matter-of-factly.

Jeremy left her be. “It was her story after all,” he figured, “she can mangle it all she wants, since she did seem traumatized by the predicament, and all was well now, so what’s the harm in a little fabrication?”

“I was super sad that weekend.” Donna concluded, “But it makes it all worth it to be reunited with you, dear.” With that, Jeremy returned to being the same pushover he always was. He uncrossed his stork legs, inched closer and hugged Donna. They hunkered down among flattened pillows on the cold foam-like floor and slept, just as they had done last year and the year before that. As odd as it was, it was tradition, and neither of them would trade it for the world.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

'You Might Say It’s Self Destructive But You See It’s More Productive Than If I Were To Be Happy' by Ravyn LaRue

I really want a change in my life
and I want to do something
stupid and drastic
like packing up everything
taking all the money I can
and traveling across oceans
or perhaps
I’ll fling myself into someone’s arms
and I’ll claim it to be love
regardless of
whether or not
I’ll know otherwise
a girl asked me on a date the other day
and I said yes
but she asked with the condition
that we’ll do it when it’s hot and sunny out
and it’s Minnesota so that’s eternities away
she asked me to go to a bar with her
which leads to another thing
I could take up drinking
and be among the presence
of all the other blackout artists
but at the end of the day
I am rooted to things
that keep me from being
self destructive
so I just want to sleep until things are drastically different

'False Friend' by Ravyn LaRue

I sit next to
the girl who hurt my friend
and I growl internally
beneath that bitter smile of mine
and I know I cannot crack
because when that happens
I cause trouble
and I hate myself
but these are the instances
where I feel the need
to become the mother wolf
who'd tear to shreds
anything that wronged her dearest ones
but I can barely stick up for myself
in instances where I am outnumbered
so who am I to think
anything would've changed

'Gave Up On Lent Halfway Through' by Ravyn LaRue

I'm sorry to those
who expected me to be
a decent catholic

'Honey or Blood' by Ravyn LaRue

I’m constantly switching between
be kind
and take the higher road by forgiving them
burn all the bridges
and let them rot in their own filth and vitriol

'If I Go On My Own Again' by Ravyn LaRue

I keep seeing the mega-buses
and the ads where kids come home from college
just for a weekend and/or holidays
and my friends sending things back and forth
with their beloveds back home
and I find myself longing for that
which is idiotic in a way
since when I had that I was miserable
but I really don’t like being settle-down-ish
when everyone else I adore and admire
have the lives I wanted to have
before my situation took its turn for the worst

I feel like I’m getting past the point
where I feel like Columbia spoiled college
and I’m moving on to the point
when I’ll be able to embark again
because I’m feeling more and more so
that it isn’t in my purpose to stay here
even though I was drawn back
so in such a forceful bout of longing
the problem is that now
I haven’t the slightest
what and where life is trying to propel me towards

'She No Longer Drinks Or Smokes' by Ravyn LaRue

Your past inspires me a lot, right now.
Usually it's your present self that I see for all its admirable traits.
But now your past and my future seem to have some things in common.
We both have something in us, that compels us to seek out a big city.
You had it in you to devote yourself entirely to writing what you wanted.
I can only hope to do that.
But with your past came difficulties and trauma.
Everyone has hardships, of course, only they materialize differently for each person.
Yet you are more courageous than most, and you got to being your present self.
Which, although I find my life kindred to your past, to some degree, this present self of yours is even more inspiring.
You're one of the relatives I actually like telling my friends about.
I tell them about how devoted you are to your beliefs, and the obvious undeniable passion you have.
When you do things you do things, you aren't fair weather, 

'niepewność' by Ravyn LaRue

I’ve always been insecure
not always in terms of body issues
or worries of whether I’m pretty enough
or all the usual concerns that most girls seem to have
I’ve shed all those, for the most part

And I no longer worry that there’s better singers than I
I sing anyways

But now the issues I’ve always had
before I cared how I looked or how my voice sounded
are returning

Telling me to grow a thicker skin
and reminding me how much intelligence I lack

I’m somehow still brought to ruin
by D’s on tests
and people telling me I’m far too sensitive
and I scare myself with the things I think and feel

I had a dream last night
in which girls told me I was ugly
to which I responded by singing Sondheim harmonies
and I felt flawless then

But if girls those girls had surrounded me and said
I was maladjusted and the emotions I felt were just hormones raging
and threw numbers at me, causing me to be baffled and feel useless
I’d probably crumble
because I’m dumb and unstable like that

I now feel the need to preface everything I do with
“Now I know I’m not the smartest, but-“
“I might be emotionally volatile, but-“

I just wish I could be as strong
and unapologetic
and tameless in my openness
with issues of intellect and psyche
as I am with my voice and body

I recently remembered
a lyrics I wrote when I was eleven
to the tune of ‘God Save The Queen’
right after I was placed in the B class
forever proving to my malleable mind
that I’d forever be one of the dumb kids:

“We the B class pledge to thee
that we will always be
much dumber than the A’s
until the end of days”

And I remember how
the times I heard “get a thicker skin”
grew to the hundreds
by the end of each week

And I usually just joke
of crying in Starbucks’
and relating to ‘Bart Gets An F’
but as I become unhinged myself
the jokes begin to lose their humor

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

'i miei occhi' by Ravyn LaRue

I had a dream where I got famous enough to have a TV Tropes page written about me
And on that page there was a conspiracy theory that I, in actuality, didn't have eyes
The reason being that when I smile in pictures my eyes, more often than not, disappear
So people kept on with this theory, claiming I wore glass ones when I expected to be photographed
I just went with it, neither confirming nor denying it, since no press is bad press, as the saying goes
So people kept on with the theory saying that's why I'm so scared of eye-stuff and that I had PTSD
And as a whole their theories were more interesting than anything I could come up with so I shrugged it off
But then one day I was approached by a fleet of fans who of course, being in person, saw my real eyes
But they didn't believe me when I told them they were real, since if they were, I would've corrected the theory
Then they demanded I take my eyes out since they were obviously glass, so that they could see my soul
Then my dream went black, so I can only assume that I followed their commands

'Howling' by Ravyn LaRue

People tell me
to avoid Feminism
because it will turn me soft
that I'll be broken by the smallest bumps
aching from the tiniest of wounds

They say I'll be reduced to crying all day
crying wolf so that
when allegedly real bigotry happens
no one will believe me
or stand by my side
or rush over to rescue me

People tell me
to avoid Feminism
because it will turn me hard
that I'll be aloof and removed
from caring about the feelings of men
thinking only minorities have souls

They say I'll be reduced to biting all day
biting the hand that feeds me
because I'm allegedly ungrateful
for all that allies have given me
then no one will stand by my side
or rush over to rescue me

But if I am to be reduced
to a sobbing pile of mush
or a writhing snarling beast
at least it is of my own accord

I let myself become this
because I let myself be seen
being my usual
sobbing pile of mush
and writhing snarling beast
which I've always hidden
beneath thick skin
and an even thicker skull

'Women's Studies Homework' by Ravyn LaRue

I have to bite bottle caps
to gag myself
from loudly sobbing
when I work
on my Women's Studies homework
and on my feminist project
and I see flashes of statistics
of two year old girls
molested in sea-world bathroom stalls
and women who broke
when they saw their size 24 heroes
depicted as size double zero
because there'd be no way they'd be pretty otherwise
and I have so many doubts
swirling around my brain
that my complaints
are just complaints
and I shouldn't give them a voice
as loud as I now want to scream
but I need to
dear self remember this
I need to
I need to do this
I need to follow through

'Yelling On The Car Ride Home' by Ravyn LaRue

My mum is still of
the mindset that depression
stems from being dumb

I hate how she still
shies away from calling it
itself- depression

She thinks that if I
made good decisions I would
be rid of it all

She says it's my fault
I'm choosing stupidity
over functioning

Because she has it
in her mind that depression
is fancy failure

She's a bloody nurse
I can't believe she said that
while I'm relapsing

'is angry at the merest trifles' by Ravyn LaRue

I got something in the mail today
saying I’m in an academic honor’s society
if I were to return to Columbia
they’d give me a colossal scholarship
and my mother said
“I would support you if you decided to go back”
and I panicked and convulsed and yelled
“NO NO NO, I’ll NEVER go back”
and then I fell apart completely
And as I write this
I still haven’t mended myself back together

Monday, April 21, 2014

'Endless Flocks Of Broken Birds' by Ravyn LaRue

As life goes on
I've come to believe
That everyone I love
Everyone I've met
And everyone I ever will meet
Is a broken bird
TV Tropes defines a broken bird
"These characters (often female) are coping with a Cynicism Catalyst, a Despair Event Horizon, or a Dark and Troubled Past by becoming as cynical, stoic, and/or badass as possible"
So to the friend who knows little
Souls seem happy and unharmed
But there's always a backstory
Something dark and hidden
2:59 AM I'm talking with a friend
About a beloved person
Whose soul struggles
And she told me all the things I didn't know
All hidden behind a demeanor so resilient
That it worries us
And all this
And all the stories I've come to know
Make all my bitching
Three AM Poetry Writing
Seem positively selfish and dumb
Because all the world
Is made up of
Is broken birds
Whose stories we don't yet know
So who am I
To publicize my weakling hurt

'Morbid Passion' by Ravyn LaRue

I’m morbidly fascinated
with the absolute brink of human emotion
I say
“Oh wow, this guy intrigues me
he shows more emotion while stifled
than most show full force”
and my friend says
“It’s dangerous
he’s mentioned homicidal thoughts”
and I say,
“Yeah, but I admire his passion”

Yesterday in class
I got attached to a machine
in order to measure my level of stress
my teacher said
think of something that upsets you
and I chose to think of obvious things
and my stress level jolted immediately to 100%
she said,
“Oh wow, this is really bad”
I laughed but I don’t know why
she said,
“If you don’t let up it’ll kill you”
and she engulfed me in her arms
and my mind forgoed my impending death
and sunk easily into her arms instead

'Why Not Try Fighting Back For Once In Your Life' by Ravyn LaRue

Twice in the last twenty-four hours
Someone’s told me
“Hey, you know all your problems would’ve been solved
if you’d just punched them in the face…”
Just because you’re physically strong
doesn’t mean I am
If I would’ve tried that
I know I’d be dead by now

'Don’t Forget To Remember' by Ravyn LaRue

I feel like I have to trigger myself
(for lack of a better word)
By looking at photos of places
where the scariest things
that ever happened to me
And hear the voices that made me cringe

I need to bring myself back to that misery now that I’m safe
I need my blood to boil
I need to shake within my skin
I need to be brought to tears that suffocate my soul
In order to write of when that misery was the norm
I’ll shake and wretch and kill myself writing this

And that’s foolish
I’m aware
But I don’t think I could make good art if I keep myself safe

'Alcoholics' by Ravyn LaRue

Those eyes
far bluer than mine
peer through everything that feels good in me
just like the night I pretended to sleep
because I didn't know what you'd do
if you saw my eyes weren't painfully closed

Those eyes
far bluer than mine
make me feel like I'm not alone
just like those nights I pretended you were beside me
because I didn't know what I'd do
if I couldn't conjure up something good to see

She made me feel
as though I shouldn't even try to survive
because at the end of the day
I'll always be worthless
no matter how hard I try
I'm better off dead

He made me feel
as though I must keep trying to survive
because at the end of the day
I'm really not worthless
no matter what happens
I'm worthwhile

I cannot even cope
to stare at her image
lest I succumb to that state of fear

I could not even cope
unless I stared at her image
to keep from succumbing to that state of fear

Saturday, April 19, 2014

'Seven Hundred and Fifty Words' by Ravyn LaRue

I so hate word counts
Seven Hundred and Fifty Words
that's so restrictive

'Followup To My Last Poem' by Ravyn LaRue

I've wished before for
A girl or boyfriend solely
as inspiration

'Crushes and Enemies' by Ravyn LaRue

I've heard people say
Having a crush is healthy
I've heard the same for enemies

And when I don't have a crush
I feel a tiny twinge of discomfort
So there have been times
When I've actively sought out
Love poem recipients for myself

I remember a time
When I was in a coffee shop
And two chosen individuals of mine
Stood talking
And I thought about how strange
My method of doing things was
Since it has nothing to do with love
And more to do with
Shooing away boredom

Now I just got thinking
I have an enemy now
Not by choice
And less of an enemy than
An antagonist in my story
Whom I'd like to avoid at all costs
So maybe that'll keep me
From partaking in my weird crush habits
But probably not

Friday, April 18, 2014

'Fiction Writing' by Ravyn LaRue

I like writing stories
I think I should try again
Considering how
Writing assigned fanfiction in a cafe
Made me feel
Young in the best way possible
Fiction writing makes me feel young and clueless
Probably since I’m not necessarily good at it
But the not knowing scared me away
And I feel fed up with allowing myself to be scared
But I think I’m going to start up again
I mean I have my project
And I have my poetry
But this, like drawing and dancing
Is another thing I feel like I shouldn’t give up on
Regardless of the fact that I couldn’t survive on it alone

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

'Mummification' by Ravyn LaRue

I don’t know
if I’ll ever be stable
if I’ll ever be functional
if I’ll ever be well adjusted
I’m all too content with crying
and I’ve gotten to the point
where emoting is my homeostasis
and I struggle hard to keep from being apathetic
I feel it’s more important to be emotionally sincere
than to worry about those who will feel ostracized by my tears
and maybe I’m selfish to care more for my emotions than relationships
I ruined a date due to talking about my life mantras through mummification allegories
since in ancient egypt they believed the heart held more truth and soulness than the brain
and in my length of living I’ve come to believe that too

'Swingsets' by Ravyn LaRue

A summer birthday party
Thinking sweet sixteen seemed so old
Pilgrimaging to to see the sunrise
Trying to swing high
Still worrying
What if I’m too fat for this and I break the chains
But this is too beautiful to think like this
I finally feel for the first time
Like home is something tangible

Wet grass seeping into sneakers
Flying with swaying legs
Between the two girls
I’d come to call my two best friends
I laugh along to things I don’t quite understand
But the feeling of floating
Between two beloveds
It was such inexplicable sweetness

Same setting as the first
Trying to convince
A friend whose soul was drifting out of his place in my heart
I told him not to worry
That things would work out somehow
And he scoffed saying I couldn’t talk
Because unlike him, I was successful
Successful because I’m happy
And I sadistically smiled since he was right

Talking about an effervescent future
With such naive optimism
With a brand new beloved
As he pushed me on the massive swing
And jumped on
Cuddling beside me
As we looked on
In bittersweet awe
As the sun set

'8:12' by Ravyn LaRue

I am a flower
sometimes I’m a wendigo
I’m always human

'Hymns of Hate and Memorandum' by Ravyn LaRue

Oh well
It’s just like me
to want
to romanticize
the time that hurt the most
Have I learned nothing?
You’re only
a survivor
if you don’t go running back
Come on, self
let that dream die
in your wake
we have to keep moving forward
it smells like death back there

'a place where we ache to go again' by Ravyn LaRue

“Nostalgia was originally considered a disease of the mind
which sort of overtook you in times of stress”

Did I ever tell you
when I was cowering under covers
fearing for my life
(erroneously or not)
I recited in my head
the entire dialogue
from my favorite childhood movie?
I wanted to bring myself to a happy place
since I figured if I could relax
I might be as asleep as I pretended to be
and I hear dying in one’s sleep is far more comfortable

'Dear Self- Stop Being Awful' by Ravyn LaRue

I feel like my recent experiences are at least beginning to forge me into a better person
Just today I found myself shrugging off someone’s legitimate concern of feeling unsafe
But instead of going on shrugging I realized I became aware and shouted at my jerk brain

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 13th 2014- Feminist Memoir Draft 1

Today is April 13th 2014 and I am currently typing in the back seat of my mum’s car with my brother joking about the explosive power of propane tanks like the scientifically minded teenage boy Michael Bay wishes he were. We’re currently driving through Starbuck Minnesota where the biggest attraction is the Cemeteries with a semi flattened tire. I’ve decided to write this Feminist Memoir now of all times since we’re coming from seeing the play, ‘Uncommon Women’ by Wendy Wasserstein in which my best friend played the character Susie Friend. It isn’t any sort of stretch that a play about feminism, existential crises and college would inspire me to begin writing my first draft now. I don’t know how to start writing this, but I just told my Brother about my project, and surprisingly enough, not only did a conservative republican boy find a play about feminism and the lives of women who some would claim as Misandrist hilarious, but he also said this project of mine is an admirable and worthwhile venture. That boy never ceases to astound me! I asked he and my mum for advise regarding this and they said to simply start at the beginning, but from that comes the question, what is the beginning? I think, like Uncommon Women, I have to start with now and work my way back. I suppose I already explained to you where I am physically at this point in my life, and I have approximately 150 miles back to the Twin Cities and the semi-flat tire that’s making us slow, so I’ll take this time to explain where I am otherwise. I am still amidst the same existential crisis that chose me as its host while I was in Chicago, but at this time, my depression is still existent, but not as entirely biting as it was when I attended Columbia. I don’t yet know what I want of my life in terms of career, or really anything aside from my passion for making art and the selfish human need of being beloved. All is uncertain aside from that and the absolute need I feel to write this book. The main thing that caused me to gain this idea of hopeful resolution was the Women’s studies class I’m currently taking at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. Taking it made me feel so much less alone when I read articles about other actresses judged on opinion rather than talent, other fat women who were deemed as less than people compared to those who could painstakingly fit size double zero and other queer ladies who felt the everyday ache of systematically taught heteronormativity. All of these relate to my experience at Columbia College Chicago, and all of those women telling their stories and dissecting the bigotry they faced, all those authors give me strength to feel like my story is also worth telling. Had it not been for this class and those authors and other such artists, I’d be writhing away aimlessly over these difficulties still believing that I was somehow alone in this emotional state. Of course bullying exists, it’s always existed and we as humans will likely never be rid of it, but I only recently realized this bullying is something else as well. That something else is called microaggressions. Microaggressions are little tidbits of bigotry, be they spoken or actions, that add up quickly to the point where those who experience microaggressions feel unsafe. Microaggressions, according to Laureate Education, Inc. take a psychological toll on the victims, yet the victims are often shrugged off as overreacting by those who are the majority. Knowing this made everything click in my brain that what I’m experiencing now- the depression, insecurities and a portion of the existential crisis are most likely the psychological toll the microaggressions I experienced at Columbia took on me. My hope for this project isn’t to kvetch for fifty-thousand words about stuff in the past I should be over by now, rather I want to make aware the things that happened to me in the desperate and probably pollyanna thought that this book of mine might be a drop in the bucket to improve things. I also really want to be the me I was before I went to Columbia, who was a much happier, healthier and well adjusted person and soul, but that seems like an even less likely goal. Nevertheless, this is an attempt, and, in my mind, an attempt is much better than stagnancy. I feel like, though, at the rate we’re going, a third of this book will just be me trying to convince myself that writing this is an actually good idea. 

'To The Adult Male Who Won’t Watch Shows With “Ugly” Lead Actors' by Ravyn LaRue

There must be something sincerely fucked up in your brain
if you believe that anyone in entertainment
has the utter obligation to be your eye candy.

No one owes you their appearance.

I used to try online petitions to prove you wrong-
“Please comment if you don’t think ____ is ugly”
as if they needed me to defend their honor
against comments that only prove the speaker’s shallowness.

And perceived ugliness isn’t the problem, after all
even if a thousand anonymous icons comment
“WTF ___ is SO Hot!”
“What’s wrong with your friend, ____ is gorgeous!”
it doesn’t change anything
since the focus
is still on the shell’s appearance
and not the soul’s expression
so the damage of overlooking art in favor of attractiveness is still done.

So I’m glad my mind has been cleared
even if you never progressed past the fog of heartless hormones
and teenage testosterone-poisoned conversations.

Friday, April 11, 2014

'writing my first draft in a queen of hearts comp book' by Ravyn LaRue

i have a huge fat feminism and writing project in the works
but i have to be secretive for my own safety (because i'm paranoid)
and i know at the end there'll be more harshness than ever
but i have to stop myself from being afraid
because fear is what got me to be this subdued and sad
and i honestly feel like my idea is worth a try
in order to re-become the sort of woman i used to be and genuinely wish i still were

'Plans' by Ravyn LaRue

These are my plans
as of 3:30 AM Wednesday March 26th

i will write a feminist analysis of my difficulties
i'll go to California, and perhaps i'll stay
and, when it comes time, i'm going to dye my hair purple

Those are my plans
as of 3:30 AM Wednesday March 26th

‘Raised Catholic’ by Ravyn LaRue

I’m finding my innards quarreling about faith
I watch horror movies and detective stories
and find it all too inspirational
when the ex-catholic gets stigmatas
finds a locket with her initials
and begins believing in miracles
yet I’m also equally enthralled
in agreeing with artists
who eagerly scoff off religion due to bad experiences
and cheer on bitter ex-catholic beloveds
and yet with all my claims for art as religion and spirituality
which it still is I assure you
I still manage to feel bad when I don’t adhere to lenten traditions
and feel guilty when I completely shrug off
All this tumult I was baptized into

'Woman' by Ravyn LaRue

They say it’s unkind
to refer to women as girls
and I’m being better
or trying to
but there is no way
I could imagine
referring to myself as such
especially considering
I haven’t felt this fragile
in absolute eternities

'Toulouse' by Ravyn LaRue

I don’t like that I get bitter and spiteful and vengeful
I try to fight against it but they say it’s in my nature
I’m a scorpio, so I guess that’s kinda our thing
but I don’t like it because I know it’s wrong and stupid
yet that hasn’t stopped me from writing an endless parade of poetry
in which I choke amidst trying to hiss at those who wronged me

‘TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2013’ by Ravyn LaRue

I kinda hate reading my old stuff
and by old I mean 2012/2013
since that’s really only when I began
poetry, at least
and I don’t mean this in an,
“Oh my old stuff sucked”
sort of way
I mean it in an,
“Oh God, this is so ironic and painful-
since I had such hope
and my past self would be so angry
with how things occurred
but mostly with how I gave in”
See, look,
“I want more than anything to do this and thrive. / All my eggs are in this one basket, and I can’t fail. / I can’t let them fall. / Everything I ever wanted is there, but I’m fraught with fear. / Because I’ll only have myself to depend on. / And I’m flighty and scary and an easily broken machine. / I’ve taught myself to prevail, but only at the fingertips of my beloveds.”
and now a Guinness truck
pulled up in front of the window I’ve perched at
and it says,
“Fortune Favors The Bold”
and it seems like God
is really set on making me feel guilty and dumb
for being so cowardly
and I’m in a constant conflict of,
“You Are Not To Blame; The World's A Vicious Place”
and my own fault and failure
and since I feel like I screwed up
in terms of just being all too weak
I’m blindly looking for redemption from some huge outer force
but it’s myself that’s pissed at myself
and forgiveness is not something I’m good at
especially not that incoming college freshmen self
who wrote those old poems that pain me to read

'Purging' by Ravyn LaRue

I want to purge myself of all my Columbia stuff
offer it to Davon
(in spite of the clothes being 28.4 sizes too big for him)
and if he doesn’t want to take it
I’ll throw it at Goodwill and such
but I know it isn’t good to deny one’s past: good, bad or otherwise
yet when I go to my closet to get clothes each morning
I see a fat stupid blue Columbia shirt from orientation
mocking me
knowing at one point I hoped to wear it around MN with pride

And the irony of it all
I suppose
is even if I were to crack the plastic cup
even if I cast the keychains into an abyss
even if I tore the t-shirt to shreds
even if I hurled that pandora’s box of tidbits that came with my acceptance letter into a bloody wood-chipper and set fire to its remains-
I’d still be writing all these bloody poems
because I obviously cannot purge Columbia from my mind
(perhaps I should take up drinking)

'Chrysalis' by Ravyn LaRue

I don’t feel new yet
and I’d love to just succumb
and encase myself in a chrysalis
and just hibernate
until I feel ready to reemerge
but the world doesn’t work that way
not for humans
and I (uh) must go on standing

'Like When Ms.Harriday Told Me "You're not fat, you're beautiful"' by Ravyn LaRue

Sometimes I wonder why I used to have low self esteem
But now my grandma is back to buying me diet pills
And my mom thinks she's sneaky to only get low calorie stuff for me
Nope, I mustn't mind this, since I'm stronger than that

'March 13th' by Ravyn LaRue

Today is such a good day already
though it's only an hour and fifteen minutes old
I got a message from one of my best friends
saying she reads my poetry to cheer her up when she has bad days
and another message from a friend whose poetry I admire
saying one of my poems made her cry and realize we were in a similar state
and I sang at least fifteen songs in the shower
and one of my favorite people
showed how unadulteratedly passionate he was
about one of my other favorite people
and I should be seeing my other best friend tomorrow-ish
and aaauuuugghhhh, today is already such a magnificent day
and now I'm crying
I don't even know why
but you know what-
life is so so so beautiful!

'Mommy Issues' by Ravyn LaRue

I've been partaking in far too many emotional crimes as of late
But the fact I committed one in regards to you
Makes me feel guiltier than I may have ever felt before
To make light of something I know full well hurts you deep
I can't believe I could do something that cruel
And you're such a forgiving soul that you didn't mind me for it
And in the next breath promised to help me through my struggles
When I couldn't even be kind enough to keep from reiterating yours
I don't deserve your friendship when I'm this miserable of a soul myself
I don't even need to beg forgiveness since you're kind enough to grant it regardless
You mean more to me than most things on this earth
So the fact that I did this makes me feel like I ought to bury myself in the dark dirt
I just want you to know how absolutely sorry I am
And hopefully this won't inhibit our confiding in each other
Just cause I'm idiotic, especially in times like this
My hopes were to keep myself from turning cruel, but it appears as though I'm far too late

'"Chicago's A Fine City, Isn't It?"' by Ravyn LaRue

I've lied to every stranger
who asks me about whether or not I like/liked Chicago
because as much as I might bitch about it
I know it isn't the city's fault
many fine people thrive there
and, as I have to remind myself,
many fine people could not
Hunter S. Thompson hated it
though he had better reason to than I
just because I proclaim it did me wrong
doesn't mean I have the right to proclaim it evil
though I have in the past
I could say emotional volatility is my defense
but that'd just be giving teeth to excuses
and that'll do me a fat lot of good
when I'm elsewhere
and this all starts happening again

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

'Conscience' by Ravyn LaRue

I told him what I was going to do
and he said
"Don't fight back
because if you fight
you might end up hurting others
and then
you'll lose the only thing you ever had going for you
which was your niceness
and you'll just become
another scary feminist"
and I shrieked back,
If I have to become scary in order for this voice of mine to be heard, you best believe I will!

'Murphy's Law For Artists' by Ravyn LaRue

I'm certainly not the first to say this
but there's a sort of Murphy's Law
when it comes to artists

If you pour your heart and soul into something
spend hours to make it as perfect as you can possibly muster
you cry while writing or drawing or rehearing or what-have-you
and you truly feel like this might be the thing you'll be remembered for
(just like Ed Wood, but I digress)

That heartfelt thing you made
gets very few views, a small audience, and hardly any reaction
whereas some frivolous thing
you came up with in less than five minutes
or something you meant to just be a short silly otherwise unnoticed thing

That is the thing that gets beloved
and it's lovely to have something of yours loved
but you can't help but find yourself thinking
"Wait, you love THAT?
What about this thing I wretched every bit of energy for?
This thing that I managed to encapsulate my heart in?
What about that one?
Of all the things I made THAT is what took your attention?"

And the audience says,

'2013 Journaling Catchup' by Ravyn LaRue

I'm remembering why, now,
why I was reluctant in the first place
to catch up on journaling-
meaning writing about
(meaning reliving)
Columbia stuff
and I know I oughtn't be this distraught
there are bad things in this world
and my qualms pale in comparison
but still, for me, this was something
and I have to give myself breaks between journaling
since my heart is good at
propelling me back to moments that make me feel deeply
(and I'm thankful that it has this talent sometimes)
but I don't want to be stuck in a Starbucks on Dearborn
staring out a window into the blackness of 5:00 AM
having to remind myself it'll all be over soon
having to remind myself that my family will be here soon to rescue me
doing things like gorging on chips
and comparing myself to my fictional darlings
in a half-assed attempt of coping with whatever it was that held my soul captive
I don't need to be there right now
I'm in my apartment in Saint Paul
things did, in fact, get better
but I'm the sort that feels the need to document their life
for better and for worse
but instead of moving forward
I'm finding myself looking up Chicago locations on google maps
and retching within myself
"this was supposed to work out
but you had to be a coward
so many had it worse
and they're doing fine
but you're dwelling
cause you can't even listen to the advice given
by the fictional darling you were comparing yourself to-
... just drink your stuff and catch up with journaling
then we can maybe stand a chance at progressing forward
instead of letting bigotry and mediocrity drag you back
come on now-
pull yourself together for once"
and so I'm trying to.

'Cherry Blossom Lotion' by Ravyn LaRue

I've been wearing the lotion
I bought myself as an early birthday present
In a target in Chicago with Christmas money from my aunt
It smells like cherry blossoms and proclaims itself "exotic"
I don't know why but it heightens my sense of longing
I feel like crying every time I put it on
I know it's strange but I like crying and longing
I even like hurting deep sometimes
I've been wearing the lotion lately
I fear I might miss some sliver of Chicago
I say I'm a lover not a fighter but that's not entirely true
I'm a coward, but I'd rather be fighting and feeling than sitting stagnant and apathetic

'Homeness' by Ravyn LaRue

In poetry class
we were talking about how
for many people
home is not a place
home is a feeling

My teacher attributed it to technology
in this new age
to be with beloveds
sometimes you just have to skype
or facebook
or stalk their tumblr
or whatever
so then that sudden rush of home-ness comes
in spite of being so far far away

I feel that, I promise
but then I got thinking
it isn't just home-ness that I feel
since for me family doesn't mesh with its definition
nor do things like beauty or romance

So it seems that I am not alone
in this odd metaphysical reality
we are the new generation
and it seems we're fluent
in whatever soul-speak is spoken
in order to make me feel like my heart is permeating out

I don't even know
but I know that home-ness is important
and I know I won't be stagnant here forever
so I'm preparing
by posting pictures of beloveds on pinterest
and reading books that make me feel less alone somehow

Monday, April 7, 2014

'Clarity' by Ravyn LaRue

I've never found it harder to get past something
which proves just how lucky in my life I've been
people have horrors as their default which I can hardly bring myself to say
and all I have is this
so I don't know what to do
I feel I need to write it down
and catharsis my brain out until it doesn't hurt
but then in that way is it a selfish act
since there are those who've endured worse and can never stop hurting
I never thought I'd have a moral dilemma
about whether this pain is pain
since I obviously can feel it
I'm a believer in transparency
but that inherently makes me feel
people will think I'm trying to look worse off
just because I feel the need to show my guts
but I always want to show my guts
so I think
even though I've never found anything harder to get past than this
I have to go on like always
in the way I wish to be
which means openness and emotion
because if I can't cling to that
then what was I fighting for?